If your initial payment didn't go through, there could be several reasons for this. This article will guide you through some common payment issues and how to resolve them.
NOTE: We strongly recommend against making multiple payment attempts in quick succession to avoid accidental multiple charges. If this occurs, please contact our support team for assistance.
Steps to Resolve Payment Issues
- Check Your Funds: Ensure that there are enough funds in your account to make the payment. Insufficient funds are a common reason for payment failures.
- Verify Your Information: Make sure that the information you provided during the purchase matches the credit/debit card details exactly. Any difference can result in a failed transaction.
- Check Card Expiry Date: Ensure that your credit card is not expired. An expired card cannot process any transactions.
- Contact Your Bank: Reach out to your bank to check whether they have any information regarding your failed payment and your account's condition. They can provide insights into why the transaction was declined.
If you have followed the steps above and still face issues with your payment, please contact our support team. Provide them with as much detail as possible about the issue, including any error messages received, to help them assist you more efficiently.